In Canada, there are more than half a
million kilometres of oil and gas pipelines that are in operation and more than
50 per cent of those pipelines are located in Alberta. With the amount of
pipelines running throughout Canada it is important for all stakeholders,
including oil and gas companies and affected landowners, to understand that
pipelines have a lifecycle and how each lifecycle phase may affect them.
Throughout a pipeline’s lifecycle the owner/operator of the pipeline will make
decisions about the pipeline’s level of use. When a company decides to stop
using a pipeline, replace a pipeline, or re-route a pipeline, questions can surface
about what happens to the old pipeline and the effects this would have on
Each province has its own regulatory
agency with a set of specific requirements for pipelines but if a pipeline
crosses provincial borders then it falls under the jurisdiction of the National
Energy Board (NEB). Under the NEB there are three different options that a
company can choose from when they decide to stop using a pipeline:
deactivation, abandonment or decommissioning, all of which require NEB
The NEB refers to deactivation as “to
remove temporarily from service”. More specifically, the NEB goes on to state
that in practice it is acceptable that portions of pipeline that are in a
deactivated state:
• Never return to service,
• Can remain in a deactivated state for
an unspecified amount of time, or
• Can eventually be abandoned.
An application for deactivation likely
would be subject to conditions. It will also likely require that the company
completes periodic status reporting for the deactivated line. The NEB also
suggests that it would be beneficial for a company to consult with stakeholders
regarding a deactivation. These consultations should address any questions or
concerns that stakeholders may have about the deactivation. These concerns can
relate to the protection of the stakeholder’s property, safety of people and
protection of the environment.
A company also has the option to
reactivate a deactivated line. The company must file an application with the
NEB that explains the need for reactivation. The application must also have a
description of the proposed activities to reactivate said pipeline and it must
also identify all potential impacts.
The NEB consistently holds companies
accountable to its stakeholders and the public during the construction,
post-construction, operation and abandonment of a pipeline’s lifecycle. The
term ‘abandonment’ can sound ominous and make it seem as though a company can
simply leave a pipeline with no accountability on their part. The reality is
quite the opposite.
When a company is applying for
abandonment it is deciding to permanently stop using a pipeline and wants leave
to “abandon the operation of a pipeline”. The abandonment phase of a pipeline
often starts after a company has already deactivated the line. Once a company
decides to abandon a pipeline it must apply for abandonment of the pipeline and
of the connected facilities.
When abandoning a pipeline, reclamation
criteria need to be agreed upon by all affected parties including the
owner/operator, regulatory authority and the landowners prior to any
commencement of field activity. This reclamation program is designed to ensure
that the right-of-way land surface condition is returned to the state it was in
prior to beginning of abandonment activities. If circumstances permit, the
right-of-way land surface condition should be returned to the condition that it
was in prior to any pipeline installation.
There are two options for the
abandonment of a pipeline. It can either be removed from the ground or it can
be left in the ground after it has been cleaned and treated. The NEB considers
land use management to be the most important factor to think about when
deciding if a pipeline section should be removed upon abandonment or remain in
place. To make this decision it is important to know what the land is currently
used for and what potential uses it has along the pipeline right-of-way. A
company must also consult and gather input from all appropriate sources
including any affected stakeholders to support the decision to abandon in place
or through removal. It is important to consider the potential uses of land
because abandoning a pipeline in place could have an effect on future
development. It could cause issues for excavation for foundations, pilings or
ongoing management practices such as installing sub-drains or deep ploughing.
If a pipeline is to be abandoned in
place, key environmental protection measures should be considered. For example,
there should be minimal disruption to future or ongoing land management
activities and a complete cleaning procedure should be documented. Any spills
or contaminated sites should be cleaned to prevailing regulatory requirements
and a revegetation strategy should be put in place to achieve pre-abandonment
conditions while keeping soil stability and erosion control as a priority. A
monitoring program should also be implemented in a way that is acceptable to
all affected parties to ensure a process to complete remediation.
The NEB requires that all abandonment
applications have a public review process, which can be oral or written. Like
deactivation, if the NEB decides to allow abandonment it may be subject to
conditions. These conditions normally need to be met before abandonment is
complete. When a company has met all of the conditions ordered by the NEB and
the risk to public safety, property and environment is considered to be at an
acceptable level, the NEB oversight ends. However, the NEB may still intervene
if necessary.
After an owner/operator has abandoned a
pipeline, it still has many responsibilities. The owner/operator is responsible
for making sure the right-of-way and any facilities that were left in place
stay free of any problems that could be associated with the abandonment. The
owner/operator should include a right-of-way monitoring program in the
post-abandonment plan.
Abandoning a pipeline and
decommissioning a pipeline have similar definitions, however there is a
difference. A company can decommission a particular line and by doing so it is
not discontinuing service throughout the rest of the connected lines. A
pipeline that is part of a larger series of lines can be decommissioned to no
longer transport hydrocarbons while the rest of the series of lines continue to
provide service.
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